Title: Reflection - Original Artwork by Artist Elisa Amari
Immerse yourself in the captivating beauty and enigmatic nature of "Reflection," a one-of-a-kind mixed media artwork by Elisa Amari. This art piece features a young woman in deep contemplation, sitting in a meditative pose with her head lowered, and her face obscured from view. With arms folded across her knees, she appears lost in thought, inviting the viewer to interpret her introspection for themselves.
Elisa Amari is a trained yoga teacher, and her passion for yoga and its philosophy is evident in her art. The artwork incorporates the colors red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet, each symbolizing a chakra, or energy center, in the body. The color red represents the first chakra, which is associated with grounding and stability. The color orange represents the second chakra, linked to creativity and emotions. The color yellow represents the third chakra, associated with personal power and transformation. The color green represents the fourth chakra, associated with the heart and love. The color blue represents the fifth chakra, associated with communication and self-expression. The color indigo represents the sixth chakra, linked to perception, awareness, and spiritual communication. The color violet represents the seventh chakra, associated with spiritual connection and transformation.
Crafted on a stretched canvas measuring 20" x 20", "Reflection" is a unique and compelling piece of art that will elevate any space. With its vibrant colors, evocative imagery, and incorporation of yoga philosophy, this artwork is a perfect addition to any art lover's collection. Order "Reflection" today and bring a piece of its alluring mystery and enchanting beauty into your life.
Currently showcased at House of Rock n Soul in Stuart Florida
Note: I photograph in natural light and indoor light in multiple photos.
Made with Love and Intention.
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Shipping: this items will be shipped via USPS or equivalent.
Please note that this item will ship free of charge in the US and Canada.
If you are local to the South Florida area, we will be happy to arrange for local pick up, so that the artwork may remain on the stretcher bars.
*international orders, please contact via email for shipping quote.